Can Wallpaper Be Recycled? A Guide to Sustainable Home Decor

Wallpaper has become a common interior design in the USA. We can see 1 in 3 houses being painted with these wallpaperps. They not only increase the value of the house but also offer a better rate at the time of the sale. In fact, they are also more durable and offer a better ROI in the long run.

However, not every wallpaper can last long. Some of them start falling or fading after 5-8 years. Therefore, many people are looking for ways to dispose of them or even recycle them. Therefore, a question may arise: Can you recycle the wallpaper? Let’s try to find the question in this article:

Can You Recycle the Wallpaper?

Quick answer: No, the wallpapers are not recyclable. The reason lies in their production process. During the making of these wallpapers, a wide range of dyes, colors, and chemicals, such as vinyl, adhesive, and polythene, are used for an enhanced appeal.

When the recycling period comes, the machines or the process can’t remove these chemicals. Therefore, experts have to ditch the recycling process. No doubt, paper or related material is used in the production process, but it is often located with non-biodegradable materials. The con is that it reduces the possibility of recycling.

But here is the catch. You can remove these chemicals. However, the process is so costly and complex that it is considered to dispose of these wallpapers without any recycling process.

Eco-Friendly Alternatives for Wallpapers

As peel & stick wallpapers are not sustainable, what can you use so that you can leave a positive impression on the environment and also save the planet Earth? You can go with some affordable yet eco-friendly options. Such sustainable and eco-friendly options include bamboo-based papers, cork, or recycled paper. Let’s have a bit of an explanation:

Bamboo is very durable and resistant to moisture as well as corrosion. Hence, it is a perfect option for the kitchen and bathroom. Similarly, cork wallpaper is another option for insulation and retention purposes as well as energy consumption.

Keep in mind that many eco-friendly options often come with many certifications, such as FSC or Forest Stewardship Council. The benefit is that they are assured by the authorities that these chemicals won’t harm the earth and also play a positive role by offering various chemicals.

At this point, you have one responsibility – to check the authority, validity, and eligibility of such credentials. You can contact the authorities via the official contact numbers of websites to find out more information on the process. Ensure that you follow rigorous standards so that you do not damage the atmosphere.

Reusing of Wallpaper

Although wallpapers are not recyclable, you can still use them as a sustainable practice. This can be done by reusing them. But how do we reuse them? One simple approach is to utilize them as gift wraps. When the wallpaper gets disturbed or damaged, use it to wrap gifts for friends or relatives. Further, you can also use bathroom wallpaper peel and stick as artwork. This is one of the most affordable ways to design the interior of your room.

Bottom Line

The TL;DR is that wallpaper is not recyclable. Due to the use of chemicals and additives, it is very hard to recycle them. However, the best way is to reuse them as gift wraps or artwork for better value for your money and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, you can also go with alternatives such as bamboo or cork as sustainable options to play your role in protecting the earth as well as the environment.

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