Scrap Metal Pricing – Things You Need to Remember

Scrap Metal Pricing

Before you sell scrap metals to a scrap yard, you need to know first how much their respective values are. This will help you decide which items to sell and how much you should expect from selling them.

The most important thing to remember is that non-ferrous scrap metals are more difficult to find compared with ferrous metals. They are more expensive when sold per unit of weight. Here are some of the most commonly sold metals and their prices.


This metal is usually categorised as roofing, tubing and wire, and then graded as #1, #2 and #3. Bright copper wire with grade #1 is valued at around £1.50-£2.00 per pound. Copper #3 has the lowest value at around £1.00-£1.30 per pound. The good thing is that even copper with tar may also be taken by certain local dealers, but for a lower value.


Pure aluminum has a different value compared with aluminum mixed with copper. Other aluminum alloys may also have different values. They are evaluated first to determine the content before you are given the actual price. The rule of thumb is that brighter metals that are clean and can be easily recycled will receive the best possible prices.

Other metals

Since ferrous metals have lower value, you can only get a huge amount when selling them in tons. For instance, steel is sold at around £100-£120 per ton. Sheet iron is slightly more expensive at £110-£120 per ton. Cast iron is sold at around £95-£105 per ton. For metals found in appliances, the value is around £0.04-£0.07 per pound. As long as the metals are still useful, you can sell them at those prices.

Choose the right scrap yard

You can go around and check various scrap yards to determine which place would buy scrap metals at the highest price. You can also go online and check out companies like Scrap Yards Tipton. They are willing to buy your scrap metals, if you follow a very simple process.

Once you have found the best scrap yard, send the metals that you are planning to sell and weigh them in. You will then receive payment for these items. For online sites, the amount will be transferred to your bank account or by any other agreed method.

While selling scrap metals will surely give you some extra money, it is not the main goal for doing so. The environment needs help and metal production is killing the environment. With metal recycling, energy is conserved and pollution levels are reduced. Hence, selling scrap metals is the right thing to do. If everyone else does the same thing, it could save the environment.




John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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