Eco-Friendly Travel Tips for New Parents

People have a hard time adapting to a green lifestyle, with tweaked habits in accordance with the latest knowledge in the realm of ecology. However, we all must do our part to preserve our planets and it is especially important to, if we have children, big or small, to lead by example. It can be particularly hard trial to retain eco-friendly behavior during vacations, as the very concept itself necessitates utilization of carbon-producing transportation infrastructure.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can reduce your carbon footprint with these eco-friendly travel tips for new parents.

Keep the framework green

Green thinking is not just a passing fad, it is an obligatory lifestyle alteration and many institutions around the world are looking to implement eco-friendly options among their services. Therefore, you can easily ‘dig up’ some truly popular green tour operators which are renowned for offering amazing escapades to destinations that have quite an eco-friendly resume. If hotpots such as Switzerland, Costa Rica, Finland, Australia (and many others) sound good to you, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime. Just don’t forget to seek-out a comprehensive health-insurance plan for families with small children, and you are good to go. You can also take a look at the list of ethical travel destinations, and choose one of your own volition.

A vehicular factor

If one landmark is not enough for you, you can always rent a hybrid once you’ve arrived to your primary destination. Hybrids and electric cars have become fairly accessible these days, and you can equip them with some of your own portable gear to make them more baby-friendly. For starters, you can bring your own portable fridge wherein you can keep several reusable bottles of crisp water. If you still feel as if you need to keep a more rigorous eye on your toddler, a high quality baby car mirror is much akin to a vehicular baby monitor, and you don’t even require batteries for it. It’s a small but significant quality of life boost for your car that will help you feel less anxious during the trip. It is all about a mixture of comfort and green thinking.

‘Ghost’ your way through the country

While riding bicycles and walking may be the most prudent way of crossing greater distances on a vacation, it is pretty reasonable that it can get more complicated with a toddler or two on board – hence the tip about a green vehicle. However, there are numerous other ways you can keep your carbon footprint to a minimum and essentially ‘ghost’ your way through the country. For starters, you should avoid using plastic bottles and disposable utensils.

It has already been implied above that you can bring your own reusable bottles, and many brands are creating some truly durable, easy-to-wash bottles that you can always refill. Also, bring your own packet of utensils and actively seek out recycling stations where you can dispose your trash – leading eco-friendly countries usually have a developed infrastructure for recycling. By adhering to just a few of these tips, you can rest assured that you will leave a barely visible mark on the environment.

When it comes to consumption of food

If you ask any seasoned eco-friendly traveler about what to eat during a vacation, they will pretty much universally advise you to consume locally sourced food. The taste is not only more authentic, not to mention that you will get a healthy intake of organic goods, but this will also support local farmers and the natural cycle of food-production in the region you are about to visit. If you have not come across a marketplace that sells local produce, you can always seek out a local restaurant that advertises daily menus made with local goods. The food is not only more delicious but it is also less costly than if you settled into a ‘tourist trap’ restaurant with an entire family.

In addition to this, if your child is rather small – since this is a list for new parents, let’s presume that we are discussing babies and toddlers here – the most obvious thing to do throughout the trip is to breastfeed or use baby formula milk. This won’t create even the slightest ounce of waste or trash and your baby will be ever-so happy and properly nurtured. In regards to baby food, you can prepare a week-worth of packets at home and carefully vacuum seal them so they will last for as long as it is necessary, but if you are embarking on a longer trip, it is a matter of time before you’ll have to invest in local baby foods.


Some parents will consider traveling as carte-blanche for some wanton behavior towards biosphere, but you do not have to leave your eco-friendly lifestyle at your doorstep if you are traveling with children. Many governmental and private establishments – including travel agencies – are going out of their way to raise awareness about the necessity to preserve our planet, and they are also offering alternative services which are more ecological. Still, you can stick to your good habits during the trip no matter what and show your children that you are as diligent and careful in a foreign environment as you are at home.

Stella Thompson

Stella is a graphic designer and illustrator, a lifestyle and beauty blogger and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about the environment and her hobbies center around her love for nature, yoga and living in balance. Stella loves giving tips about healthy lifestyles and self-development. She is a contributor to several health and lifestyle blogs. You can find more about her writing by following her on Twitter:

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