What the Electric Car Revolution Means for the Cab Industry

green car

There is a revolution currently underway in the UK auto industry and it is one that all related sectors need to be aware of if they are to continue succeeding. This is the electric car revolution – this has been gathering pace for some time but is now fully underway largely due to the Government’s proposed 2040 ban on petrol and diesel along with the rapidly growing infrastructure, the range of vehicles available and the incentives for making the switch. We are seeing evidence of the revolution with plummeting sales of diesel and the rise of alternatively fuelled vehicles.

The Taxi Industry

One sector which is looking to follow suit is the taxi industry. Taxi companies are having to look into replacing their current fleet with electronic or hybrid automobiles and the faster that this changeover happens the better. In addition to the 2040 ban, there are various fines and bans being introduced in major cities throughout the UK for polluting vehicles. Major cities are areas where cabs thrive, so it is important that these companies are driving automobiles that are allowed and/or will not cost them a fortune to drive in populous areas.


In addition to this, making the switch can be beneficial for taxis for a few other reasons. Taxi drivers spend longer on the roads than an average motorist, so they will want to look for ways to reduce running costs. Electric is much cheaper to drive than a petrol or diesel and a company could make huge savings by making the switch. Anxiety range has been an understandable concern for both individuals and businesses, but with the rapidly growing number of charging stations (and the increasing range on newer cars), this is no longer a concern.


It is also for the customer why cab firms should be looking to buy eco-friendly vehicles from places like Cab Direct. Society’s view on the electric car revolution has changed drastically within the last few years and now more and more people are embracing the change and making the switch. This means that they will want to use an eco-friendly vehicle even when they are not driving, so a taxi firm that offers electric cars will benefit from a positive reputation and could be preferred to a company that still relies on petrol and diesel.

The number of electric and hybrid vehicles on the road will be rising at a fast rate over the next few years. This means that taxi companies need to embrace this change and look into using more energy efficient vehicles for their customers if they are to succeed. In addition to avoiding potential fines and bans, this can also be a cost-effective move and help to attract a larger number of customers.

John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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