What to Study if you Want to Save the World

save the world

Many of us grow up wanting to pursue a career that allows us to help people. When we’re very young, we believe the best jobs for helping people and saving the world are doctors, firemen, and perhaps superheroes. As we get older, it occurs to us that there are other ways to save the world and enforce positive change on the planet. We may consider a career as a civil rights lawyer or a political activist, as well as working for the emergency services. However, as the world evolves and changes, so do the threats to its future. This means there are even more careers than ever open to those noble people who dream of helping it. Here are a few of the best degree options for students who still want to save the world.

Geographic Information Science and Technology

An online GIST degree equips you with the skills needed to use up to date technology such as GPS and satellite imagery to collect data and take measurements. This data can then be used to chart maps, detect environmental changes, chart boundary lines, or plan new communities.  Those who graduate from a geographic information science and technology degree could work in a variety of roles, many of which involve improving the planet and charting environmental change.


Healthcare encompasses a huge range of different degree specialisms, all of which would allow you to work helping others. There is currently a huge shortage of healthcare professionals and the ever-growing population means that they are needed more than ever.

Solar Energy Engineering

Climate change is perhaps the biggest threat to the planet and our way of life today. There can be no doubt that more needs to be done to stop it or to prevent its effects. Renewable energy sources, such as solar power, are finally being used more frequently. This means there are more job opportunities within the field and it’s a great time to study something like solar energy engineering.

Social Work

Social workers work to protect those who are vulnerable and in the most need of help. This could be the homeless, addicts, abuse victims, the mentally ill, veterans, the elderly, or young children. While social work might not be the first thing you think of when it comes to saving the world, they are certainly changing the worlds of the people that they work with.


Modern technology is allowing seismologists to predict, detect, and prepare for earthquakes much more quickly and successfully than ever. This can save lives, homes, and communities.


After climate change, one of the biggest dangers to society is poor nutrition, leading to obesity or malnutrition. Nutritionists work to understand and educate their clients and communities. This could lead to fewer illnesses and deaths from obesity related illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.

There are so many options available. So, if you want a career which allows you to truly help people, both now and in the future, think about which field appeals to you the most and apply today.

Angie Tarantino

Related to my brother John Tarantino, I live in the San Francisco Bay area in sunny in California. I like to cover animal rights, green tips, and general green news topics. I really care about animals and I actively foster cats and dogs from the veterinarian that I work at when people abandon their animals there. You can connect with me via my social networks: Facebook Twitter g+

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