The Fastest Growing Green Careers

green car

Whether you are looking at degree options and starting to plan your future or thinking about a career change later in life, green careers might be something you want to consider. Many industries are making a real effort to protect the environment and make changes to their systems, which allow them to have a positive effect on the world. While new industries emerge out of a need and desire to be greener and look after our planet, many green jobs are in growing industries which could offer you a meaningful job for life. Here’s a look at a few of the best.


Recycling is becoming increasingly important and much more widely used. Most businesses and households now recycle as much as they can. Separating your rubbish is one of the easiest ways everyone can make a real difference. Because of this, the recycling industry is huge and offers many different jobs. Some of these include:

  • Drivers
  • Sorters
  • Engineers
  • Technicians
  • Developers
  • Facility managers
  • Sales representatives
  • Marketers

Green Car Engineers

Green cars are becoming more popular all the time as we become more aware of the huge amounts of fossil fuels regular cars use and the amount of pollution they create. This industry looks set to continue to grow in the coming years as green cars eventually replace less environmentally friendly vehicles on our roads.

Water Quality Technicians

Water quality technicians are the people responsible for the safety of water all over the world. They devise and administer tests on the water supply while also coming up with methods to keep water safe. This job includes research and technical skills working in a lab, office and out in the field.

Natural Scientists

Natural scientists study nature to gain a greater understanding of the problems facing our planet today, including global warming. They then use their knowledge and understanding to find solutions and ways to help without damaging the environment further. This is a challenging job where the rules are constantly changing as nature adapts and further problems emerge. This job is now more necessary than ever and those employed in the field are quite literally working towards saving the world.

Green Builders

Green builders are working towards finding more environmentally friendly ways to create structurally sound and futuristic buildings. For a career like this, an online civil engineering degree would be a great start.

Solar Technicians

Solar technicians are working on advancements in solar technology and helping to make sure it becomes a bigger source of energy. Like green cars, more normal people are starting to use solar power at home, meaning this field is quickly expanding.

Wave and Wind Energy Specialists

Studying civil engineering online at the New Jersey Institute of Technology would also allow you to work with alternative sources of renewable energy, finding ways to extract and supply energy found naturally, without causing any damage to nature or problems to wildlife. Two great sources of natural energy are waves and the wind, as their potential for power is enormous.

Finding work in any of these fields would allow you to make a very real change in the world. Your work would be fulfilling and rewarding as there would always be more to learn and new methods to develop. Green jobs are very much the careers of the future.

John Tarantino

My name is John Tarantino … and no, I am not related to Quinton Tarantino the movie director. I love writing about the environment, traveling, and capturing the world with my Lens as an amateur photographer.

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